Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Yoplait launches yoghurt packs 1 euro

has changed consumer behavior. "The cost of an item has become more important to the decision to buy as its price per kilo," explains Stphane Dalyac Figaro, director of sales and marketing Yoplait, No. 3 yogurt market. Before, mothers tended packs of 12 and 16 pots, relatively less expensive than those of 4. But the price increases (+ 7% last year) have diverted large formats.

Yoplait launching a price war in small sizes, with a new range. Dubbed "The offer Eco", which is decorated with a red and yellow logo that looks like a coin of 1 euro, the retail price of the dozen references Yop, Panier de Yoplait, Yoplait Petit, Frutos or Little tricksters yet.

Nothing to do with. For a lot of yogurt 6 to 1 euro, the market leader has invented a recipe low-cost, and does that 115 grams of yogurt in jars of 125 grams. On the contrary, Yoplait will not change its revenue and affects only the size of packs. Small , so far only sold in lots of 6 jars of 100 grams for 2.35 euros and batch of 12 jars of 50 grams for 2.30 euros, will be offered in lots of 6 times 50 grams per 1 euro , a reduction of 13% in price per kilo. Same strategy with the Petit Yoplait, the yogurt and Frutos. With these products, Yoplait waives a portion of the margin on each pot, and catch up on volumes.

Stop the decline in sales

This is the only solution for stop the bleeding. Last year, the yoghurt market fell by 4.4% in volume. The increase in milk prices has discouraged consumers, who have reduced their frequency of purchase. "They have bought yogurt that 34 times, against 42 in 2007, according to Stphane Dalyac. Above all, consumers prefer labels. While the latter earned only 0.7 points of market share per year, they have eroded 3.3 points last year. Their market share amounts to 40.7%. Yoplait and has also increased from 11.4 to 11%.

To multiply offers cheap, brand relaunch its "Yoplait Basket" mixed fruit: 1 pack against the euro 1.67 Euro for the version with chunks of fruit. This clever marketing could mislead fans Yop. If the bottle is 750 grams sold 1.75 euro, eco offers, a bottle of 330 grams to 1 euro is ... 30% more expensive in price per kilo. What repay the efforts made on the rest of the range.

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