Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Medvedev seriously tackled corruption: officials conceal the proceeds will be ruthlessly dismissed

President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev "crisis" Priorit: particular importance in this period takes the fight against corruption. "If something can be used to turn a blind eye, then when the crisis of corruption issues are very complicated and sensitive" - he said, speaking on Tuesday at the Council of the Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission.

From the mouth of the head of state officials sounded dreadful warning: "Those in public service who try this (crisis - Ed.) Gain, with the necessary will to give and to give up without a delay, leads his words" Interfax ".

Also grounds for dismissal would be a refusal to grant an official commission of the required information, first of all - information about the income of their own or their family members. The President stressed that "should be required to develop a mechanism to verify the information."

- Putin signed a decree on the methods of the anti-corruption expertise
- General Prosecutor's Office has identified corruption risks in nearly 10 thousand documents

Medvedev said that a draft decree requiring state officials to provide information on annual earnings. In doing so, set an example for government officials, President intends personally. "I am prepared to rule that each year the President of the Russian Federation to provide information about their income. It will encourage civil servants to implement the relevant legislation", - quotes its .

Also, the president proposes to move to electronic trading of public and confiscated property, which in his opinion, would be an effective tool against corruption. "It is important to adopt regulations that ensure the realization of a package of anti-corruption laws. It is an innovative technology in public administration" - said Medvedev.

He stressed that the commission of the need to work not only at the federal level. "Such a commission should be established for each government. This requires organizational work and the creation of commissions, and to train those who will be there to work, providing them with the necessary materials" - the president said.

"We have to admit that any of these commissions have not played, he continued. - Our goal to make them applicable to them are listened to."

In doing so, Medvedev believes that the fight against corruption "has not yet been achieved fantastic success." "The only thing we could do in recent years - is to create a more or less coherent system of public service - he admitted. - It is not ideal, but in any case, different from what was in the early 90-."

In his speech, he also stressed that reforming the civil service should focus on prevention of corruption. "This requirement of anti-corruption legislation to be taken into account when selecting candidates for vacant posts," - stressed the President.

He proposed at the Council meeting to discuss issues and anti-corruption expert examination of laws and regulations. The President explained that the need that the bills themselves often have different interpretations of laws and legal gaps, which increases the risk of corrupt activity. "The law must be clear and concrete", - he stressed.

Putin signed a decree on the methods of the anti-corruption expertise

In Russia there regulation that defines the methods of bureaucratic documents to the so-called "corruption." This new term on Tuesday formally joined the business vocabulary dictionary of Russian language since the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a decree of government.

Decree No. 196 dated 5 March 2009 with a long and deface the name of "On approval of the methodology of the examination of draft normative legal acts and other documents in order to identify provisions that would help to create conditions for the manifestation of corruption", published on the site of the Government.

The document, called, in particular, to prevent uncertainty and ambiguity, which, among other factors can contribute to corruption, he deface. But such specificity of officially-business style, inherent in most such texts.

As stated in the ordinance, "corruption" recognized the provisions of the draft documents that contain the "corruption factor". In turn, the "corruption factor" recognized "status of the draft documents, which may contribute to manifestations of corruption in the application documents, including the immediate basis may become corrupt practices or to create conditions for the legitimacy of acts of corruption, as well as prevent or provoke them."

Data corruption factors are divided into three types:
factors associated with the implementation of powers of public authority or local government;
factors associated with the existence of legal gaps;
factors of a systemic nature.

First, in turn, can manifest themselves in the nine basic situations, first of all - the uncertainty of the timing, conditions or grounds for the adoption of decisions, with high demands on citizens and organizations, with a lack of clear regulation of their rights.

The decision also underlines the unacceptability of selective changes in the rights violations of competence, unauthorized fill legislative gaps and the use of uncertain, ambiguous terms and categor.

Corruption, factors related to the legal gaps, can be expressed in the absence of administrative procedures, waiver of competitive procurement procedures, the absence of restrictions and prohibitions to the authorit or the lack of accountability of employees.

Emphasizes the inadmissibility of violation of the principle of transparency - in other words, information about the activit of state authorit or local self-government should be open to citizens and organizations and made available upon request.

The factors included the systemic nature of the contradictions between the rules established for or bod of local self-government the opportunity to arbitrary choices for each specific case. In any situation where there are such differences and their decision depends on the authorit, you can talk about corruption factor, indicated in the ordinance.

Remember, the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has declared the fight against corruption one of the major problems of public policy. 31 July 2008, he signed an anti-corruption plan, and in early October, introduced in the State Duma a package of four bills. He was signed by the Head of State on December 25.

The base is the law "On Combating Corruption". He defines it as a socio-legal phenomenon, as corruption offenses - as a distinct manifestation of corruption. The Act establishes the legal and institutional framework for the prevention and control, as well as minimize and eliminate the consequences of such offenses.

The law emphasizes that anti-corruption - this is the coordinated activit of federal bod , subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalit, civil society institutions, organizations and individuals. Russian legislation brought into line with international standards embodied in the UN Convention against Corruption and the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption.

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